Wednesday, February 11, 2009

Times Is Hard

From Loudon Wainwright III composed a brand new song for NPR's All Things Considered:
Times is hard. Times is tough.
Nothin's easy. It's all rough.
There's not much right; so much gone wrong.
All I can do is play this song.

You're watchin' the news. It all looks bad.
The worst half-hour you ever had.
What in God's name is goin' on?
All I can do is play this song.

You're losin' your job, your house and your car.
Hittin' rock bottom don't feel that far.
Nothin' good is gonna come along.
All I can do is play this song.

Folks are scared watchin' that news.
Folks feel bad. They're gettin' the blues.
My poor stomach, it ain't that strong.
All I can do is play this song.

Times is rough. Times is hard.
Take a pair of scissors to your credit card.
Circuit City just said, 'So long.'
All I can do is play this song.

Who's at fault? Who gets the blame?
Let's string up Bernie what's-his-name.
And ask Alan Greenspan to come along.
All I can do is play this song.

They want your gold, and they'll pay cash.
The only silver lining is the price of gas.
Money's short and the odds are long.
All I can do is play this song.

The factory's closed. The bank is bust.
On the money it says, 'In God We Trust.'
So pray for all your stocks and bonds.
All I can do is play this song.

Outta luck. Outta hope.
I'm wonderin' why I even cast that vote.
I took that sign offa my front lawn.
All I can do is play this song.

There's a new man down there in D.C.
They say he's gonna help you and me.
They sure know how to bang the gong.
All I can do is play this song.

Last man in D.C., he had eight years.
Now the whole damn country is in arrears.
We got two, three, four wars goin' on.
All I can do is play this song.

Times is hard. Times is rough.
I guess you folks need some cheerin' up.
Well it ain't me babe. You got that wrong.
All I can do is play this song.

You heard it here. I sang it first.
Don't feel so bad; things are gonna get worse.
Consider yourselves all strung along.
All I can do is play this song.

All I can do is ...

Wednesday, February 4, 2009

A Son And A Guitar Named Wolfgang

Eddie Van Halen has been designing a guitar with Fender. The instrument is called "the Wolfgang.”

From Eddie Van Halen reinvents the guitar by Denise Quan:
After years of wearing down metal frets and having pieces of his guitar rip off or malfunction during shows, Van Halen says he's built a guitar that even he can't destroy. On the Wolfgang, frets are fashioned of stainless steel, and metal gadgets are custom-made by a company that specializes in medical tools. Sections of wood are left unpainted so the instrument can breathe and age -- "like a Stradivarius," the 54-year-old musician explains with a degree of pride.

"There's not even room enough to be anywhere"

It’s Not Dark Yet - Bob Dylan

Shadows are falling and I've been here all day
It's too hot to sleep and time is running away
Feel like my soul has turned into steel
I've still got the scars that the sun didn't heal
There's not even room enough to be anywhere
It's not dark yet, but it's getting there

Well my sense of humanity has gone down the drain
Behind every beautiful thing there's been some kind of pain
She wrote me a letter and she wrote it so kind
She put down in writing what was in her mind
I just don't see why I should even care
It's not dark yet, but it's getting there

Well, I've been to London and I've been to gay Paree
I've followed the river and I got to the sea
I've been down on the bottom of a world full of lies
I ain't looking for nothing in anyone's eyes
Sometimes my burden is more than I can bear
It's not dark yet, but it's getting there

I was born here and I'll die here against my will
I know it looks like I'm moving, but I'm standing still
Every nerve in my body is so vacant and numb
I can't even remember what it was I came here to get away from
Don't even hear a murmur of a prayer
It's not dark yet, but it's getting there.

Friday, January 30, 2009

Make Music, Not War

Music and humor have the power to unite us. War and violence keep us apart. Embracing those who are different from us can lead to things that are wonderful and spectacular. Will we ever stop fearing and demonizing that which we do not understand?

Tuesday, January 20, 2009

There's A Bailout Coming But It's Not For You

Fork in the Road - Neil Young:
Lyrics to "Fork in the Road"

Got a pot belly,
It's not too big
Gets in my way
When I'm driving my rig

Driving this country
In a big old rig
Things I've seen
Mean a lot

A friend has a pickup
Drives his kid to school
Then he takes his wife
To beauty school

Now she's doin' nails
Gonna get a job
Got a good teacher

There's a fork in the road ahead
I don't know which way I'm gonna turn
There's a fork in the road ahead

About this year
We salute the troops
They're all still there
In a fucking war
It's no good
Whose idea was that?

I've got hope
But you can't eat hope
I'm not done
Not giving up
Not cashing in
Too late

There's a bailout coming but it's not for me
It's for all of those creeps watching tickers on TV
There's a bailout coming but it's not for me

I'm a big rock star
My sales have tanked
But I still got you
Download this
Sounds like shit

Keep on bloggin'
'Til the power goes out
Your battery's dead
Twist and shout

On the radio
Those were the days
Bring 'em back

There's a bailout coming but it's not for you
It's for all those creeps hiding what they do
There's a bailout coming but it's not for you
Bailout coming but it's not for you

Got my flat screen
Got it repo'd now
They picked it up
Left a hole in the wall
Last Saturday
Missed the Raiders game

There's a bailout coming but it's not for you
There's a bailout coming but it's not for you
It's for all those creeps hiding what they do

Monday, January 19, 2009

The Bad Plus - Smells Like Teen Spirit

Update:From The Bad Plus gives music some attitude with 'For All I Care' by Jim Farber:
Classical music intimidates a lot of people, jazz bores more and pop makes many a snob snicker.
Every one of those reactions irks The Bad Plus. "Classical music doesn't have to be approached from the vantage point of how sophisticated it is," bassist Reid Anderson says. "Jazz doesn't have to be seen as so complicated, and even the simplest pop or rock tune doesn't have to be looked down on. It's a big, wide world out there and it's nice to explore all the nooks and crannies."
Read more here.

Sunday, January 18, 2009