Thursday, August 7, 2008

Norman Granz

From Norman Granz: Jazz Genius Behind The Scenes:
The creation of great art does not rely solely on the creativity of great artists. Behind countless masterpieces are promoters, critics and consumers who make artistic expression possible. Although he can't sing a note and never played an instrument, Norman Granz is one of those non-artists who made jazz possible in the 20th century. As a concert promoter and record producer, Granz has no equal in the history of popular music.

The son of Russian immigrants, Granz grew up in California during the Great Depression. He discovered jazz music early in life, befriending Nat "King" Cole, Lester Young and Billie Holiday. On the eve of America's entry into WWII, Granz began producing nightclub shows around Los Angeles. As disc jockey Les Davis notes, Granz not only brought musicians together for relaxed jam sessions, but also got black and white patrons together by insisting that club owners suspend their segregation policies.
Read the rest here.

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